Our Junior Church Program at Sandy Creek serves children ages 4-13 every Sunday at the 10:00 am worship service, taught by Linda Powell.
The children are taught using Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) teaching materials with flannelgraph backgrounds and teaching figures to illustrate the lessons. In addition to Bible history and facts, the children are taught the practical application of God’s Word - that is, how the Bible applies to everyday life. The plan of salvation is woven throughout the lessons and opportunity is given to receive God’s gift of salvation.
We begin with the book of Genesis and teach through the Bible to Revelation, which takes 4 1/2 to 5 years. Usually, we have missions lessons each summer during July and August.
The children are encouraged to memorize Bible verses, the Ten Commandments, and the Books of the Bible, earning stars for their efforts. The children can exchange their stars for prizes twice a year in May and November when we have Star Sunday.
The children also have an opportunity to learn about God through singing with Mrs. Betsy Skelton.